Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer!

Jesus, draw me ever nearer, 
As I labor through the storm. 
You have called me to this passage, 
And I'll follow, though I'm worn. 
May this journey bring a blessing, 
May I rise on wings of faith; 
And at the end of my heart's testing, 
With Your likeness let me wake. 

Jesus, guide me through the tempest; 
Keep my spirit staid and sure. 
When the midnight meets the morning, 
Let me love You even more. 

May this journey bring a blessing, 
May I rise on wings of faith; 
And at the end of my heart's testing, 
With Your likeness let me wake. 

Let the treasures of the trial 
Form within me as I go. 
And at the end of this long passage, 
Let me leave them at Your throne. 

May this journey bring a blessing, 
May I rise on wings of faith; 
And at the end of my heart's testing, 
With Your likeness let me wake. 
 - Margaret Becker 

Storm. Tempest. Midnight. Have you struggled to find peace in the storm? Fought for survival in the tempest? Strained for a light in the midnight? Trials relentlessly pound the soul and weary the heart. Oh for grace to whether the trial as a trusting child of The Most High God!

The words of this song greatly ministered to me during some very dark days. God called my husband and me to labor through years of infertility. Some days were good; many were hard. I often felt as though the morning would never break through my midnight. Though I wanted to respond with a sweet spirit, I often felt suffocated by grief. Some days, the pain was so raw that I could not even pray. There were no words. Oh, how I longed to rise on wings of faith! I wanted to follow Him, but I was oh so worn.

The author of this work asks for a blessing through the trial. I found myself pleading for the same. "Oh, Lord, please allow the pain to be worth something. Give it a purpose." He has been so faithful to me! Yes, the days were dark and, at times, devastating; however, He taught me so many beautiful lessons. More storms will come, but I desire to CHOOSE to follow, though I'm worn.

Do you allow difficulties to draw you closer to Christ, or do you allow them to drive you away from His comfort and truth? Beg Him to use the trial to teach you, to leave you with treasures that you can cast at His feet. Ask Him to allow you to awake from the nightmare with His likeness. Draw ever nearer to Jesus. He will guide you; and WHEN the morning breaks, you will love Him even more for His faithfulness.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is difficult to know how to pray; we have a short phrase we sing at church, "The Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words to express"
