Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Stranger

Make me a stranger on earth, dear Savior,
Make me a stranger, more like Thee.
Help me keep my focus on heavenly treasures
And not on earthly, may it be.

Lord, I've found myself loving earthly treasure:
Simple pleasures, taking Your place.
Nothing can measure to heavenly treasures:
Hearing "Well done," and seeing Your face.

-from "Make Me a Stranger" by Mac Lynch

At church Sunday night, the missionary challenged us to keep our focus on the eternal, not the mundane. This concept seems so elementary, so basic. Of course we would focus on the spiritual and eternal. Yet time after time, I find myself failing in this "elementary" area.

I focus on my house: What color should I paint each room? How should I decorate? Do we need new furniture? Is it nice enough to have a "get-together"? Maybe I should get some flowers.

I focus on myself: I think I'd like to go shopping; so-and-so always looks en vogue while I look dumpy. I need new clothes. My nails would look so cute with a little bit of nail art. Am I too tall? Do I look like a giant next to this person?

I focus on my worries: What if my husband gets hurt on his motorcycle? What if our other car breaks down? What if God says "no" to my prayers? What if...

I know that thinking about the everyday things in this life is not wrong, but I also know that "this world is not my home." I do not want to obsess about things that do not have eternal value. If I spend all my time thinking about vanity and things, I will not leave time for reflection on His Word or for doing His work.

Well, this post is getting longer than I like posts to be. I like to share quick blessings, but I have so much going through my mind.

Lord, help me to focus on You, Your Word, and Your work. Open my eyes to the burdens of people around me so that I can show them Your love. Give me a passion for Your Holy Word. As I care for the things of this world that You have given to me, help me to keep them in their proper place. I do not want to love the stuff that will fade away. I desire to build my treasure in heaven. Loving Father, help me in this area!

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